GASS The Gentlemen's Ale Sampling Society 1982-2017 35 YEARS OF BEERS
March Meeting
At the TAP'N'TIN Chatham
This meeting is probably the one that broke the camel's back for GASS members. This is the one that crystallised the opinion of a number of members that there has been a dangerous drift away from meetings that challenged the members, to meetings that would not challenge even the Women's Institute Knitting Circle. The following is a quote from an email I received from Jeff Wilding (GASS 1991-2007)... "Having read the last Gass minutes, as I regularly do, just to keep an eye on things you understand. It occurred to me, that as the last meeting involved Bingo and the next one Bell ringing, perhaps for inspiration the members might find the W I current schedule of events for 2010 a help in deciding future events, just a thought."
Now it has to be said that The Frindsbury Handbell
Ringers gave us a great evening and a really enjoyable meeting. They
played for us, they allowed us to play, and they even got us singing, so a
heartfelt thanks to them! Take a look at the following video to see how
the evening progressed...............
Thanks to The Frindsbury Handbell Ringers - it kept us quiet for the first time ever
Thanks also to Yoons Restaurant for a great meal
But now we go back to dangerous - Fire Walking, Broken Glass Walking, Sword Fighting