GASS The Gentlemen's Ale Sampling Society 1982-2017 35 YEARS OF BEERS
Best Parties Ever annual shindig. We've been before and had a laugh, the issue was getting home, hence we recommend Teslas!
18 places were booked at £46.20 each - an amazingly 18 appeared on time and dressed to the nines. .
Not Attending - Chris Spree, Ray Guttridge and Stuart Gilbert (apologies sent in).
It has to be said that the evening was great fun. The organisation was very good, the food was just fine, and weirdly, for North Kent, the 1,000 people attending were all well dressed, polite, and good fun. More weirdly - we were all well behaved, with the exception of one rather over enthusiastic member who decided to crush girls by waiting until they had tripped and fallen to the floor, then he jumped on top of them, football goal celebration style. Cue some rather surprised girls, also some slightly flattened girls.
As you can see the good old OPPOSUITS got yet another outing - and once again they were amzingly well received by everyone, lots of compliments!
Not everyone came out quite so well in the pictures - sadly.
So off we go into another year! Our 35th!